Pig's Horoscope 2024, Monthly Prediction for 2024

Written by Matteo Updated Feb. 1, 2024

According to Chinese astrology, people born in the Year of the Pig will be blessed with good fortune in the year 2024. However, due to the influence of good and bad stars, there will be fluctuations in your fortune within a certain range.

Pig Horoscope
Pig Horoscope

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Pig's Wealth Prediction in 2024

People born in the Year of the Pig will see good development in terms of wealth in 2024. 

For office workers, you are likely to get a promotion this year and have a salary raise. And in addition to your stable income from work, there may be a few good chances to earn extra money from investments. 

For Pig people who do business, if you are lucky enough to find the right partners in business, you could make a big fortune. 

Pig's Career Fortune in 2024

People born in the Year of the Pig will have a very smooth career development in 2024, which is beneficial to your future advancement. And there may be many good opportunities for promotion.

Pig people are advised to gasp the opportunity of good fortune this year, show your work abilities as much as possible, and prove your strength to your leaders, which will form a foundation to achieve better results in the future.

Pig's Love Forecast in 2024

According to Chinese astrology, Pig people's love prospects are generally good this year.

Single Pig people are lucky this year. You may have a good chance to meet someone they like. 

Married Pigs will have a peaceful relationship with their partner. Sometimes, however, due to the pressure at work, Pig people are emotional and would have quarrels with their partners. It would sour their relationship. It is recommended that you control your temptations, be more patient, and communicate frankly face to face.

Pig's Health Prediction in 2024

According to Pig's Fortune in 2024, People born in the Year of the Pig have good fortune in health in 2024. As long as they keep healthy eating habits and exercise regularly, there will be no serious health problems.

However, Pigs need to be cautious of unexpected injuries this year. It is advised that they stay away from dangerous sports and activities.

2024 Monthly Horoscope for Pigs

In Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign’s monthly predictions are based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Corresponding dates on the Gregorian calendar are given for your reference.

Pig’s Horoscope in Month 1 (Feb. 10 to Mar. 9, 2024)

According to Chinese astrology, people born in the Year of the Pig will have good luck in the first lunar month of 2024. 

In terms of career and wealth, Pig people work hard and will perform well at work, which can bring them praise and appreciation from their leaders. In addition to a stable income from work, extra income from investments is also possible. 

Minor illnesses are likely to populate this month for Pigs as low temperatures can increase the likelihood of getting sick. To reduce the risk of illnesses, add and remove clothes as the temperature changes and wash your hands frequently. 

Pig’s Horoscope in Month 2 (Mar. 10 to Apr. 8, 2024)

In the second lunar month of 2024, Pig people will likely do great in work and get a salary rise. Pig people should seize the chance and work hard.

In terms of the love relationship, Pig people's family life is harmonious as a whole this month. However, they may encounter a few problems in interpersonal relationships. It may require more effort from them to maintain the friendship.

Pig’s Horoscope in Month 3 (Apr. 9 to May. 7, 2024)

People with the Chinese zodiac sign Pig will have a smooth and stable fortune in the third lunar month. 

Their fortunes in career, wealth, and love relationships are all relatively stable this month. Pig people should seize the opportunity to be more initiative and aggressive at work and create more achievements.

This month, Pig people and their partners can understand each other and conflicts seldom occur. Their health condition is fine, but watch out for some minor illnesses.

Pig’s Horoscope in Month 4 (May. 8 to Jun. 5, 2024)

All things will be going well for people born in the Year of the Pig this month. 

Their career develops smoothly. Difficult problems that they could not solve will be solved this month. 

Pig people also have a good learning fortune this month. They can seize the opportunity to read more professional books and learn some to enrich their knowledge or get a professional certificate, which is beneficial to their future career development.

Pig’s Horoscope in Month 5 (Jun. 6 to Jul. 5, 2024)

Generally speaking, Pig people's fortune this month will be positive, especially for Pig people who do business. They are likely to win a lot of customers which can bring some extra income.

This month, it is suggested that Pigs should stay away from extreme sports that may cause potential dangers to them, such as rafting in deep water and rock climbing.

Pig's Horoscope in Month 6 (Jul. 6 to Aug. 3, 2024)

In the sixth month, Pig people likely have a good chance of taking over a large project, which requires them to improve their working ability and efficiency. 

In terms of the love relationship, there is a great chance for single Pig people to fall in love with someone and start dating. For the married Pig people, their relationship with their partners would be very harmonious this month.

Pig's Horoscope in Month 7 (Aug. 4 to Sep. 2, 2024)

In the seventh month, the fortunes of the Pig people display a downward trend.

In terms of work, Pig people are likely to meet big challenges and cannot fully show their talents and abilities. 

Pig people who do business should also be cautious this month, especially those who are looking for business partners. It is advised that they cooperate with reliable partners. When a friend borrows money, they must think carefully and avoid unnecessary troubles.

Pig's Horoscope in Month 8 (Sep. 3 to Oct. 2, 2024)

In the eighth month, Pig people will be under a lot of pressure at work. They won't get corresponding rewards after hard work, which makes them depressed. However, it is also advised that Pig people keep working hard and try to improve their working abilities, which would be helpful for their future development. 

In terms of health, Pig people have the risk of getting sick. But most of them are small diseases such as colds and coughs.

Pig's Horoscope in Month 9 (Oct. 3 to Oc. 31, 2024)

Pig people's fortunes will be characterized by ups and downs this month.

Pigs' fortune in career this month is expected to be a little better than last month. There will be challenges and difficulties at work. However, with the help of experienced colleagues, their difficulties at work will be solved. 

Pig people's health fortune is average this month. They should pay attention to their physical condition and keep a balance between work and rest. 

Pig's Horoscope in Month 10 (Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 2024)

Pig’s fortunes this month are due to pick up. 

In terms of work, after solving all the difficulties they would finish the tasks on time. They are likely to be appreciated by their leaders and workmates because of their cautious character and serious attitude. 

This month, it is not very easy for single Pigs to find someone they like. For married ones, their relationship with their partners would be peaceful without too many surprises or waves. 

Pig's Horoscope in Month 11 (Dec. 1, to Dec. 30, 2024)

In this month 11, Pig people's fortunes are characterized by ups and downs.

There won't be too many obstacles in the work. However, if Pig people want to achieve good results at work, they should devote more time and energy. 

As for love, single Pigs will have a good chance of making friendships with the opposite sex. If they seize the opportunity, there is a high possibility that they will start dating this month. For married ones, the family atmosphere may not be very good due to disagreements and lack of communication.  

Pig's Horoscope in Month 12 (Dec. 31, 2024 to Jan. 28, 2025)

Pig people's fortune in the last lunar month of 2024 would be fine. 

People born in the Year of the Pig are likely to have good career prospects and get along very well with colleagues. 

In terms of the love relationship, married Pigs' relationship with their partner is predicted to ease, and your family atmosphere should become harmonious.

As for health fortune, they need to pay attention to skin diseases this month. Go to see a doctor if necessary.

Luck Predictions for Pigs Born in 1959, 1971, 1983, and 1995......

In 2024, pig people will encounter ominous stars, which badly influence their fortune. Let's take a look at the fortunes of pigs born in different years.  

Horoscope for Pigs Born in 1935

Pigs born in 1935, you are full of worries this year so your lives are not pleasant. Pigs are always worried about children's lives and work, which finally makes children unhappy.

It is recommended that pigs open their mind. Your study fortune is good this year, so you can take up some hobbies and enrich your life.

Horoscope for Pigs Born in 1947

Pigs born in 1947, your relationship with family members is not good. It is suggested to leave them alone. Don't be too fussy with the younger generation. You will have poor sleep quality this year and you sleep lightly. You can do some outdoor activities to strengthen your physical condition.

Horoscope for Pigs Born in 1959

Pigs were born in 1959, 2024 will be your lucky year! Your wealth fortune behaves well, you can make some investments this year. There will be a good reward. You can travel with your family or friends to enjoy the beautiful scenery of your country. Remember to take care of your luggage on the way.

Horoscope for Pigs Born in 1971

Pigs born in 1971, your fortunes can be good and bad. It depends. You will reach a new field in your career and have a pleasant time in your workplace. However, your work pressure will also increase. Alternate work with rest.

1971 pigs' love fortune is poor. You quarrel with your spouses frequently this year. The family atmosphere is tense. You'd better communicate with your spouses to resolve the misunderstanding.

Horoscope for Pigs Born in 1983

Pigs born in 1983, your fortunes are changeable this year. You have to make a lot of choices in love, career, and health. You likely lose some money this year so the investment is not a good idea this year. Don't guarantee relatives' or friends' loans.

Horoscope for Pigs Born in 1995

Pigs born in 1995, your career fortune behave well and you may get a promotion and salary increase with the help of patrons.

Your wealth fortune in a full-time job is not bad but your expense is large this year. Thus, you won't save much money.

Single pigs have a chance to meet someone you like this year. You should grasp this opportunity. For married pigs, you should be alert to an affair.

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