Top 5 Hiking Routes in China 

Written by Sally Guo Updated Apr. 26, 2021

Nowadays, hiking has become a fashionable way of traveling, and it’s also a way full of challenges. The external condition of nature may bring various troubles to travelers, such as the change of the weather and extreme circumstances. Besides, hikers may face the challenge of their physical strength, willpower, and wisdom.

For those adventurous travelers, hiking is no doubt a unique way to travel, experiencing the breathtaking scenery and feeling the local culture personally. China boasts many destinations suitable for hiking with their characteristics. The following are the top hiking destinations recommended strongly.

1. The Great Wall Hiking from Jiankou to Mutianyu

The Great Wall is an amazing tourist site in the world. It is an ancient defensive architecture. The beautiful scenery of the Great Wall attracts hundreds and thousands of hikers and shutterbugs. There are many popular sections on the Great Wall.

From precipitous Jiankou to smoothly sloping Mutianyu Great Wall is a classic hiking trail. Usually, it takes about 5 hours to conquer this 10km (6 miles) section.

Photographers love this hiking route as there are many wonderful and iconic photography spots. The restored Mutianyu Great Wall section boasts the most majestic scenery of all the Great Wall sections. The magnificent sunset on the Great Wall is what you do not want to miss.

At the peak of Jiankou, you will see Zhengbei Watchtower. Then, go eastwards to the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall via several watchtowers in various states of ruin, connected by broken walls. After a challenging walk on the original rugged steps and broken wall, you will arrive at the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. There you will enjoy a leisurely walk on the restored Great Wall.

2. Tiger Leaping Gorge Hiking

The Tiger Leaping Gorge is recognized as the first gorge of the Yangtze River. It is one of the best hiking trails in China

The Tiger Leaping Gorge is said to be hikers’ heaven. There are two popular routes. The first starts from the Lijiang Ancient Town, through the Lashihai, and arrives at the Qiaotou (the Hutiaoxia Town or the Tiger Leaping Town). It provides a path into the upper gorge and the east foot of the Haba Snow Mountain. It is a two-day walk route through the gorge.

The second route starts from the Ganhaizi (the Dry Sea) on the eastern slope of the Yulong Snow Mountain (the Jade Snow Mountain), passes through the Lower Tiger Leaping Gorge at the Dazu County of the Lijing Ancient Town, then goes along the Jinsha River, and eventually arrives at the Tiger Leaping gorge of the upper gorge.

3. The Yellow Mountains/Huangshan Mountains Hiking

Huangshan Mountains abound with oddly shaped rocks, twisted pines, seas of clouds, and hot springs, which are the “Four Wonders” of the mountains. Huangshan is suitable for a visit all year round as the beautiful scenery varies from season to season. The ancient villages representing the Hui-style culture, on the foot of the Huangshan Mountains, are also very popular and beautiful destinations for you to hike.

Usually, Huangshan hiking takes about 3 days. On the first day, arrive at Huangshan City and have a rest in the hotel. If you have much time and energy on the first day, you can walk on Tunxi Old Street which is famous for its Hui-style architecture. If you want to go to the mountain area, you should be there before 4:00 pm as cable cars close at 4:30 pm.

On the second day, you should wear comfortable hiking shoes to climb up the mountain through the Eastern Steps. You will see beautiful scenery on the road, such as the Stone Table and the peak of the Immortal Pointing the Way. Food on the mountain is very expensive. You can take food yourself. Having a buffet in a hotel is also economical. Hotels on the mountain range from 3-star to 5-star. The conditions of hotels on the mountain may not reach the standard of cities like Beijing. Due to the moist weather in the mountains, the rooms are sometimes humid.

On the last, get up early to see the sunrise at the Bright Top. If you go to Huangshan in spring or summer, you will have a big chance to see the seas of clouds which is one of the four wonders of Huangshan. Then hike to the West Sea Grand Canyon. Monorail is available between the Cloud-dispelling Pavilion to the bottom of the West Sea Grand Canyon, downstairs which is narrow and steep. You can save time and energy by taking it.

4. The Li River Hiking

Li River is one of the world’s most picturesque and beautiful rivers with a length of 160 kilometers, which constitutes the highlights of Guilin’s natural beauty. The upstanding verdant mountains on both sides contribute to the beauty of the river. It’s known to all that cruising is usually the most popular way to go sightseeing on Liver. However, for people who prefer to feel and do physical exercise instead of only appreciating the scenery, hiking along the picturesque river is no doubt a more suitable choice.

Hikers will see beautiful scenery along the road, like Langshi Village and spectacular mountains, the Fresco Hill - The Nine Horse Mount, and Yellow Cloth Reflection.

5. Mount Everest Hiking

Mt. Everest, also known as Mt.Qomolangma, meaning Goddess Third in Tibet, is the highest peak in the world. The 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) high peak, is snow-capped throughout the year. The North Col of Everest is located in Tingri. Massive glaciers and seracs feature a thrilling splendor.

The peak has been a holy climbing attraction for the world's mountaineers. In recent years, more and more mountaineers start from the Everest Base Camp trying to conquer the world's highest peak while tourists trek to the foot of the peak to enjoy its beauty.

As it is the highest mountain in the world, the difficulties of the climb will be unimaginable. Your good physical condition, the fine weather on the mountain, and a qualified coach are all very important when hiking.

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