
Written by ivana Updated Jul. 31, 2023

Moganshan is situated within Deqing County of Zhejiang Province, Moganshan is a part of the Tianmu Mountain range.

Moganshan is renowned both domestically and internationally for its "Three Wonders" - bamboo, clouds, and springs, along with "Four Excellences" – clear, cool, scenic, and tranquillity. It is blessed with layers of rolling hills, jade-like pools behind cascading waterfalls, and verdant bamboo forests. All these warrant Moganshan the title of "The Number One Mountain in Jiangnan" and classify it as one of China's "Four Major Summer Retreats".

Moganshan Scenic Area Facts

Moganshan Weather

Moganshan situated in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, enjoys distinct seasons with a moderate climate.

Moreover, Moganshan is well-known for its 'Hundred Mile Cloud Corridor', a dreamy vision of swirling mist and cloud covering the mountain range, offering breathtaking views of this natural phenomenon, regardless of the season.

The Best Time to Visit Moganshan

Moganshan is appealing throughout the year, and the best time to visit depends largely on personal preferences.

Regardless of when you choose to visit, Moganshan never ceases to captivate with its mesmerizing natural beauty and lingering mysteries.

The History and Legends of Moganshan

The history of Moganshan can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty, a time when it was a hidden gem in remote mountains. By the late 19th century, Western missionaries began building villas here, transforming Moganshan into a renowned summer retreat.

An enduring legend linked to the mountain is about Mo Ye and Gan Jiang. Known as renowned swordsmiths of Wu and Yue during the Spring and Autumn period, the couple was known for their contribution to creating two legendary swords for the King of Wu. In honor of their skills and efforts, the mountain was named "Mogan", combining the first character of each of their names.

Although the historical record sustaining this legend is limited, it undoubtedly adds to the allure and mystery surrounding Moganshan. Moreover, Moganshan is well-known for its 'Hundred Mile Cloud Corridor', a dreamy vision of swirling mist and cloud covering the mountain range, offering breathtaking views of this natural phenomenon, regardless of the season.

Must to See in Moganshan

The Moganshan Scenic Area is diverse and expansive, categorically divided into four parts - Dakeng Scenic Area, Luhuadang Park, Jianchi Scenic Area, and Wuling Village Scenic Area. There are two main ticket offices, the NiuTouGang ticket office (Qianshan Avenue) and the GuTianChi ticket office (Houshan Road). Most tourists tend to ascend from the front mountain and descend from the back mountain, thus we will recommend our travel guide accordingly.

Moganshan Travel Guide

1. Chairman Mao's Residence

This is the hotel — Queen's Hotel where Chairman Mao resided during his visit to Moganshan in March 1954 while presiding over the formulation of the first constitution in Hangzhou. It is said that Mao also composed the "Seven Absolutes - Moganshan" here.

2. Tashan Mountain

The main focus of Dakeng Scenic Area is the mountains, among which Tashan is the highest peak of Moganshan with an altitude of over 700 meters. It is the place with the widest view of Moganshan. The flat peak, the lush green hillside, and the cool summer make it an ideal spot to see the sunrise and sea of clouds.

3. Weird Stone Corner

Located on the west side of Tashan, the Weird Stone Corner is the most unique rock landscape in Moganshan. Here you can find peculiarly shaped stones in profusion, and it's also one of the best locations for viewing the setting sun.

4. White Cloud Mountain House

The White Cloud Mountain House (No. 509 Moganshan) was purchased by Huang Fu in June 1928. Huang Fu was a close associate of Chiang Kai-shek and held positions such as the mayor of Shanghai and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In August 1937, Chiang Kai-shek and Zhou Enlai held the second KMT-CCP negotiations here, which ultimately led to Chiang's statement "The responsibility of defending the country lies with everyone, regardless of region or age." Zhou Enlai commented on the negotiation: "The collaboration was established upon visiting Moganshan and Lu Mountain." It is now a museum with photos, historical documents, and relics from that time.

5. Luhuadang Park

Luhuadang is one of the best cooling bays in the mountains, and it's the largest man-made park in the area. It is said that Moyuan, the founder of the park, once lived here with his daughter, cultivating reeds and treating patients. Key attractions include the crane-billed spring, crane pool, reed marshes, statue of the founder Moyuan, flower bamboo, the Zodiac Park filled with folksy charm, the stele forest that houses a collection of calligraphy from contemporary renowned artists, and Chen Shuai's Poetry Stele Pavilion.

6. Viewing Sun Platform

Nearby Luhuadang, the Viewing Sun Platform is an excellent place to admire the sunrise. Before dawn, as you quietly wait, the clouds in the east tremble slightly, and a cirrus ray of sunshine emerges from the clouds, leaving you to marvel at the beauty of nature.

7. Jianchi (Sword Pond)

Jianchi, located in the mountain valley of Yunshan Moganshan, is reputedly the spot where Moxie and Ganjiang honed their swords, making it one of the most popular attractions in Moganshan. The Moxie sculpture is the most prominent and famous landmark in the entire Moganshan scenic area. Visitors who come here never miss out on the opportunity to take a photo to commemorate their trip. Below the sculpture is the main attraction of the scenic area – the cascade of four waterfalls.

8. Chiang Kai-shek's Official Residence

Jianchi, located in the mountain valley of Yunshan Moganshan, is reputedly the spot where Moxie and Ganjiang honed their swords, making it one of the most popular attractions in Moganshan. The Moxie sculpture is the most prominent and famous landmark in the entire Moganshan scenic area. Visitors who come here never miss out on the opportunity to take a photo to commemorate their trip. Below the sculpture is the main attraction of the scenic area – the cascade of four waterfalls.

9. Dripping Green Pond

An artificially excavated pool adorned with lotuses, outside the pool is a small pavilion nestling alongside a giant rock. The pool's clear water, the mildly aromatic lotus, the quaint and elegant pavilion, along the words "Infinite Wind and Moon" and "Good Moganshan" inscribed on the giant rock, make it one not to miss.

10. Morning Sun Platform

The Morning Sun Platform is located on the peak of the peninsula-shaped Mantoushan, the top spot in Moganshan for viewing the sunrise and appreciating the mountain vista. Standing on the stone pavilion at this platform, you can clearly see the Moganshan town at the foot of the mountain and the villa complex hidden in the vast sea of bamboo. This spot is also an excellent position for photography lovers to capture the panoramic view of Moganshan under a 360-degree wide angle, especially in the morning or after the rain.

11. Tianchi (Heavenly Pool)

Located on the summit of Moganshan, the Tianchi area roughly occupies 12 square meters. There is a square pavilion in front of the pool, and below the pool lies the ruins of the Yuan Dynasty's Tianchi Zen Temple. The area is covered with thick bamboo and towering ancient trees, among which there is a particularly sturdy and impressive ginkgo tree. Other sights include the Immortal Saw Board, Immortal Cave, and the Lying Immortal Stone.

How to get to Moganshan

From Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport

After arriving at Xiaoshan Airport, you can purchase "Wukang" bus tickets at the airport's bus ticket office. The airport bus stops at Wukang station, which is Deqing's main bus station (Hongyun Bus Station), from there you can take bus No.113 to go directly to Moganshan Scenic Area (seasonal tourist bus operates from May to January), or bus No.201 to go to Moganshan Town.

From Deqing High-Speed Railway Station

There are numerous services from Hangzhou and Nanjing passing by Deqing High-Speed Railway Station. It's worth mentioning that the only high-speed trains from Shanghai to Deqing are at 7:27 AM and 18:18 PM, with one each in the morning and evening. If your itinerary allows you to remain flexible, it is recommended to transfer to Hangzhou. A large number of high-speed services connecting Hangzhou or Hangzhou East to Deqing are available, and the journey takes only around 15 minutes.

From Deqing West Station (Deqing Train Station)

Take Bus 201 to the Main Bus Station, then transfer to Bus 113 to Moganshan Scenic Area; You can also take Bus 208, with routes from the western bus station to Yucun (Mogan); Alternatively, take Bus 313, from Wukang to Ziling (passes through Yucun).

From Long-distance Bus Deqing Main Bus Station (Hongyun Bus Station)

Almost all inter-provincial long-distance buses stop at Deqing Main Bus Station. After arriving, you can take bus No.113 directly to Moganshan Scenic Area (a seasonal tourist bus operates from May to January), or bus No.201 to Moganshan Town. 


Deqing High-speed Train Station, Deqing Main Bus Station, and Deqing West Station serve as major transportation hubs in Deqing, with buses departing from them covering most towns in Deqing. If you find it troublesome and time-consuming to transfer buses, taxis, rickshaws, and electric tricycles are available options in the city area. However, it should be noted that these modes of transport will not take you directly to the entrance of the scenic area. If you want a hassle-free experience, contact us to tailor-make a two-day Moganshan private tour, which allows you to enjoy the trip without worry!

Where to Stay on Moganshan

Aside from the beautiful scenery, Moganshan is also known for its unique homestays. Some say that even if you miss Moganshan, you should not overlook its homestays. Rather than traditional homestays, they integrate elements of boutique hotels. A typical visit to Moganshan lasts for about two to three days. During these few days, the homestay experience forms an unforgettable part of your trip.

For more information about Moganshan homestays, read "Moganshan Staycations - 5 Best Places to Stay".

Moganshan Accommodations

Visiting Moganshan with China Travel

Whether you're an outdoor adventurer, a seeker of tranquility, or a connoisseur of quality life, Moganshan promises an unforgettable experience.

If you are planning a tour of Hangzhou, it's suggested you combine it with other famous sights in Hangzhou, contact us to customize your Hangzhou tour.

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