Chinese Lucky Symbols

Written by Apple Updated Jun. 1, 2023

The Chinese culture has a rich history of lucky symbols that are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and happiness. Here are some of the most 10 well-known Chinese lucky symbols.

1. Chinese Knot - Good Luck and a Prosperous Life

chinese knot

Chinese knot is a traditional handwoven artifact that involves tying a variety of knots to create decorative and symbolic designs. It is an important part of Chinese culture and is widely practiced as a way to celebrate special occasions and bring good luck and prosperity.

Chinese knots are typically made from a single cord or string, which is tied into a series of intricate knots to create a design. The knots are often symmetrical and can be arranged in a variety of patterns, such as flowers, animals, and Chinese characters. 

Chinese knot is considered a lucky symbol in Chinese culture. The knots are often used as decorations during Chinese New Year and other celebrations as they are believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness. Each shape has its own symbolic meaning, such as the double happiness knot, which symbolizes marriage and happiness, and the fisherman's knot, which symbolizes safety and security.

Lucky Chinese Characters

The Chinese culture has a long history of associating certain characters with good luck and fortune. Here are some of the most popular lucky Chinese characters:

lucky chinese character, fu

福 (fú) - Good Fortune

This Chinese character means "good fortune" or "happiness" and is often displayed upside down during Chinese New Year to symbolize the arrival of good luck.

禄 (lù) - Prosperity

This character means "prosperity" or "wealth" and is often associated with career success and financial prosperity.

寿 (shòu) - Longevity

This character means "longevity" and is often used to wish someone a long and healthy life.

喜 (xǐ) - Happiness

This character means "happiness" or "joy",  commonly used in Chinese culture and often associated with celebrations and happy occasions. 

Two characters of "喜" are often written together meaning "double happiness". The character is often used in decorations for weddings, such as on red banners or in calligraphy, to symbolize the happiness and good fortune of the newlyweds.

吉 (jí) - Lucky

This character means "auspicious" or "lucky" and is often used in combination with other characters to create phrases that bring good luck.

春 (chūn) - Spring

This character means "spring" and is often associated with new beginnings, growth, and prosperity.

These characters above are often used in calligraphy, artwork, and other forms of decoration to bring good luck and fortune to homes and businesses.

Chinese Good Luck Coins

Chinese good luck coins are a traditional Chinese symbol of wealth and prosperity. They are often used in Feng Shui practices to attract good luck and positive energy.

The coins are typically round with a square hole in the center and are made of brass or other metals. The square hole is said to represent the earth, while the round shape represents the heavens, symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth.

The coins are often tied together with a red ribbon, which is another symbol of good luck and fortune. They can be placed in homes, offices, and other places to attract wealth and prosperity. 

Chinese Dragon

chinese dragon

The Chinese dragon is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology and culture. It is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck, and is often associated with the emperor and the imperial family.

The Chinese dragon is typically depicted as a long, serpentine creature with four legs, sharp claws, and a scaly body. It is often shown with a mane of flames and can have a variety of colors, including red, green, and gold.

The dragon is an important auspicious symbol in Chinese New Year celebrations, where it is often featured in dragon dances and parades. It is also a popular symbol in Chinese art, architecture, and literature, and is often used as a decorative motif in homes and businesses.



Pixiu is a mythical creature in Chinese culture that is believed to bring good luck, wealth, and prosperity. It is often depicted as a winged lion with a dragon's head and is said to have the ability to ward off evil spirits and attract wealth and good fortune.

In Chinese mythology, Pixiu is said to have a voracious appetite for gold and is often depicted with a coin in its mouth. Therefore, it is believed that Pixiu can help people accumulate wealth and protect their assets.

Pixiu is also associated with the feng shui practice, and is often used in feng shui cures to attract wealth and good luck. It is believed that placing a pair of Pixiu statues in the home or office can help to bring prosperity and success.

Money Tree

The money tree is a popular plant in Chinese culture that is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. It is often used in feng shui practices to attract wealth and abundance.

The Money Tree is often given as a gift during Chinese New Year or a celebration of entering a new house as a way to wish someone good luck and prosperity. It is also a popular plant for businesses and offices, as it is believed to attract wealth and success.

Three-Legged Toad

The three-legged toad, or chan chu in Chinese, is a popular symbol of wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture. It is often depicted as a toad with three legs, sitting on a pile of coins or holding a coin in its mouth.

In Chinese feng shui practices, the three-legged toad is often placed in the home or office to attract wealth and prosperity.


tortoise in the forbidden city

In Chinese culture, the tortoise is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and stability. In Chinese mythology, the tortoise is said to have a lifespan of 10,000 years. 

The tortoise is also associated with the element of water, which is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture.

The tortoise's ability to live both on land and in water is seen as a symbol of adaptability and flexibility, which are important qualities for success and prosperity.

It is believed that placing a tortoise statue in the home or office can help to promote longevity, wisdom, and prosperity.


Carps are a lucky symbol in Chinese culture, representing good luck, prosperity, and perseverance. They are also a popular decorative element in homes and businesses.

In Chinese mythology, carp are said to swim upstream against strong currents and waterfalls, representing perseverance and determination. They are also associated with the legend of the Dragon Gate, which tells the story of carp that swim upstream and transform into dragons when they reach the top of the waterfall.


jade bracelet

Jade is a precious stone that is highly valued in Chinese culture for its beauty and symbolism. It usually represents beauty, balance, and good fortune.

In Chinese culture, jade is said to have the power to protect against evil spirits and bring good luck and fortune. It is also associated with the concept of yin and yang, representing balance and harmony.

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