How to Travel from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie
Zhangjiajie is 990 kilometers (or 615 miles) from Guangzhou. Is it better to fly or take the train? Traveling for speed and comfort, taking a direct flight is the best way to get from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie.
Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie Flight
We recommend you fly from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie directly because there are two fast and convenient nonstop flights daily. The flight takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes and costs an average of 980 CNY.
The journey starts at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN) and ends at Zhangjiajie Hehua International Airport (DYG). Be aware that there aren’t any direct buses from Zhangjiajie’s airport to Wulingyuan.
Many travelers choose to stay in Wulingyuan when touring Zhangjiajie because many of its must-see attractions are nearby, such as Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Baofeng Lake, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, and the Glass Bridge.
- If you need a private airport pickup and hotel transfer service, please contact us!
Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie High-Speed Train
There is no direct high-speed train taking you from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie. If you want high-speed train travel, you will need to transfer at some point, and transferring to Changsha is the best option.
Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie via Changsha | Departure | Arrival | Duration | Frequency Daily | Price |
Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie | Guangzhou South Railway Station | Changsha South Railway Station | Within 3 hours | 105 departures from 06:23 to 21:00 | 314 CNY |
Changsha to Zhangjiajie | Changsha Railway Station | Zhangjiajie West Railway Station | About 3 hours | 18 departures from 7:00 to 20:55 | 138 CNY |
- It is advised to get to the railway station at least 30 minutes early, as you will need time to pick up your tickets and check in.
- Whether regular or high-speed trains, are generally on time in China. There are very few possibilities for a delay. If late, it will usually only be by several minutes.
China Train Ticket Booking
Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie Train
We do not recommend traveling from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie by train unless you don't mind spending over 10 hours on slow trains with limited space and no English-speaking staff or signage.
If you’re a budget traveler and have plenty of time, here’s a Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie train schedule for your reference:
Train Number | Departure Station to Arrival Station | Duration | Seat Type |
K192 | 10:56 Guangzhou → 23:43 Zhangjiajie West | 12h47m | Hard Seat: 135.5 CNY Hard Sleeper: 232.5 CNY Soft Sleeper: 414.5 CNY |
K9064 | 12:54 Guangzhou → 03:14 +1 Zhangjiajie | 14h20m | Hard Seat: 172.5 CNY Hard Sleeper: 295.5 CNY |
K688 | 16:35 Guangzhou → 05:06 +1 Zhangjiajie West | 12h31m | Hard Seat: 135.5 CNY Hard Sleeper: 232.5 CNY |
T8302 | 20:12 Guangzhou → 07:53 +1 Zhangjiajie West | 11h41m | Hard Sleeper: 270.5 CNY Soft Sleeper: 478.5 CNY |
K9006 | 20:32 Guangzhou → 08:30 +1 Zhangjiajie West | 11h58m | Hard Sleeper: 270.5 CNY Soft Sleeper: 424.5 CNY |
- “+1” means the second day.
- Soft sleepers are in a private box and have larger elbow rooms, while hard sleepers are open and have limited space.
- The schedule listed above is for reference only.
Travel to Zhangjiajie from Guangzhou with Us
Would it bother you if you couldn’t find the right ways to get around Zhangjiajie? Do you want tips on arranging your trip perfectly within the scheduled time and budget? Do you know how to escape from the crowds? Our travel experts are waiting to customize a fun-packed journey for you!