How to Say Happy New Year in Chinese/Mandarin/Cantonese (Top 20 Ways)

Written by Matteo Updated Feb. 1, 2024

Chinese New Year is coming. The simplest way to greet your friends is Happy New Year! There are several different sayings for Happy New Year 2024 in Mandarin and Cantonese.

How to say Happy Chinese New Year in Mandarin and Cantonese
How to say Happy Chinese New Year in Mandarin and Cantonese

10 Most Popular Ways to Say Happy New Year 2024

There are the most popular Chinese sayings to show your Chinese New Year wish to people around you.

1. 新年好 - Happy New Year

2. 过年好 - Happy Lunar New Year

3. 新年快乐 - Wishing you happiness in the New Year.

4. 新春吉祥 - Good luck in the New Year

5. 新春快乐 - Happy Chinese Spring Festival

6. 恭喜发财 - Hope you get rich.

7. 年年有余 - May you have abundance every year.

Happy New Year in Chinese

8. 六六大顺 - May you be respectful in the New Year.

9. 恭贺新禧 - Wishing you a wonderful New Year.

10. 岁岁平安 - May you have peace every year.

Chinese New Year Greetings

How to Say Happy New Year 2024, the Year of the Dragon

2024 is the year of the Dragon. Some Chinese New Year greetings including this zodiac are as follow:

1. 龙年快乐 - Happy Year of the Dragon

Happy New Year in Chinese

2. 龙年大吉 - Wishing you good luck for the Year of the Dragon.

3. 龙马精神 - May the dragon spirit fill you with vigor and vitality.

Happy New Year in Chinese

4. 龙年兴旺 - May you be prosperous in the Year of the Dragon.

5. 万事兴龙- May all your business flourishing.

6. 龙凤呈祥 - May the dragon and phoenix bring you good fortune and happiness.

Chinese New Year Greeting

7. 龙运当头 - Good luck in the Year of the Dragon

8. 欣欣向龙 - Wishing you prosperity in the New Year.

9. 龙华富贵 - May you make a fortune.

10. 龙年行大运 - Wishing you lots of luck for the Year of the Dragon.

Happy New Year in Chinese

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